Sunday, March 23, 2008

Towards Paris - An Introduction

Paris has long been inspiration for many creative souls and I am one such soul. Those of you finding yourselves eagerly nodding in accord with this statement understand that this pull towards Paris is not initiated by conscious or rationalized choice. We are drawn effortlessly towards Paris, its magnetic force captivating us wholly.

Paris is not merely a travel destination and it is not some kind of final destination. Rather, it seems to be a magnificent gateway to the pursuit of dreams and the creative spirit. We don't aspire to see Paris so we can die (i.e., "I have to see Paris one day before I die") but we aspire to see Paris so we can live fully, pushing beyond a mere existence. Paris awakens and opens us to living out our creative and perceptive selves so completely and with such vitality.

Before our own eyes behold Paris for the first time, we have already experienced Paris so vividly and richly through literature, poetry, history, art, fashion, food, and its many other far-reaching influences. It pervades our imagination and our souls. And even after we arrive in Paris the first, second, umpteenth time... we are forever drawn towards Paris, for the beauty and inspiration is never exhausted. Paris gives so freely and abundantly, asking only that we never cease to be filled with wonder for all that we find in the beautiful City of Light.

This blog is a tribute to the city I love so much, the city that will always captivate and inspire me. As I prepare for just my second trip to Paris (I'll be spending a month there in July; see the countdown timer below), I'll share my anticipation and thoughts about the upcoming trip here on this blog, along with my experiences while in Paris. This blog will also include a myriad of Paris-themed posts, including features on food and treasures, and then more philosophical posts on what Paris means symbolically to me.

Although the title of this blog seems to point specifically to my upcoming trip, it extends beyond such. Even after this upcoming trip in July, I will forever feel this sensation of being drawn towards Paris. A week, month or year in Paris will never satiate the desire to return, even to return in spirit. As alluded to above, it is not a final destination, Paris is a touchstone for living out my creative self and doing so fully.

I look forward to sharing experiences with you fellow lovers of Paris, Francophiles, creative souls, and all who might find inspiration here.


La Belette Rouge said...

I am so delighted to find this very beautiful blog and am thrilled that there is a place in the blogging world where I can share my pull to this tremendous gateway city. Isn't there some movie out about there paying places in the universe that will transport you to other places and times. That is what Paris is for me. I am so delighted you will be sharing your love, passion and enthusiasm for Paris in a way that only you can do.

Being at the top of the Eiffel Tower it is so nice to have some one to turn to and say, "Isn't this amazing? Can you believe we are here?" I am so grateful that you are that person for me--on many different levels.

I feel, like you, that my love of Paris is intrinsic to my identity and as is much a part of me as is my identity as writer, wife, or friend. I see the love of Paris as a blessing. And, I happily suffer the divine discontent of missing Paris and eternally longing for more of it.

Your blog makes me realize that Paris is my North Star--and wherever I am my heart will reach for Paris. Your beautiful post and heartfelt love for Paris read like a personal anthem to me.

A million times over merci! Merci for this post, this blog and, above all, your friendship.
Ton amie,

Anonymous said...

Paris is a city like no other. When I first started my language classes here in Toulouse there was an Italian woman from Rome in class. When she introduced herself she said, "Je m'appelle Francesca et je suis de la plus belle ville du monde." She never said what city but I could detect her Italian accent so I said oh you must mean Paris. I thought she'd never forgive me. I was just joking but I really think Paris is beautiful from one end to the other. There is nowhere that is NOT nice. Good luck!

Starman said...

I totally understand the pull of Paris. When we first went (1999), I did not want to go. But within hours of arriving, I was smitten. Paris wrapped me in its warm embrace and I truly felt that I was home. I look forward to reading of your adventures in July, as we, too, will be there. We have rented an apartment in the 11éme at which we'll arrive on 30 Avril. Sadly, we will leave 31 Juillet.
This will be our tenth Paris experience.

Towards Paris said...

La Belette Rouge... I am so delighted that you are a part of this blog. No question, you have further inspired my love of Paris through your friendship and own love for the City of Light. Paris is indeed a North Star and will always be for us. Looking forward to sharing our love of Paris here and everywhere else!

Merci, mon amie!!

Towards Paris said...

France Tales... Thank you for visiting! This is a great story. Surely, I too would have said "Paris," as you did. Paris is so incredible and those of us who truly cherish it understand its immense pull and how it woes us so effortlessly and wholly!

Towards Paris said...

Starman... Thank you for visiting! It is so great to hear that you fell in love with Paris upon visiting. Even better, you will be going back very soon and for three months?! Have you stayed in Paris that long before?

I too hope that you have a wonderful time and that you will post your adventures on your blog.

Tenth Paris experience since 1999?! Wow, that is incredible. I'm so happy you keep returning. The sense of returning always makes me feel so alive.

Starman said...

Sadly, no. Previously, our longest Parisian vacances was two weeks, although our last visit in what seems like decades ago, was three weeks in Toulouse and the final week in Paris.

Towards Paris said...

Starman... still, that is incredible that you've been able to visit France so much. I think my adventures to Paris and France as a whole, are just beginning and that is very exciting to me. I hope that this upcoming trip is a wonderful one for you. No doubt it will be!!